Backpacking is one of those things that rarely goes as planned.

Originally I planned on crossing overland into Israel from Egypt. To do so there are two routes: Through the city of Raraf in the north, or the city of Eilat in the south. Raraf border crossing is out of the question, because that is also where Gaza Strip is and as we all know it is essentially a war zone; crossing through the city of Eilat is possible, but I was advised not to visit the Senai Peninsula at the moment – So my original plan of crossing overland into Israel didn’t quite go anywhere. I ended up flying into Amman in Jordan instead and spent a week in Jordan.

Jordan is a very safe country and is a lot cleaner than other Northern African countries that I have seen. However the downside is that it is also quite a lot more expensive to travel in Jordan due to limited transportation options and high attraction entry fees. Nonetheless Jordan is a beautiful country to visit.
