Here is one common question about Hagia Sophia: When the Turkish Ottoman Empire converted the Orthodox Christian cathedral into a mosque, why did they keep the mosaics of Jesus and Mary?
Turns out Muslims love Jesus too! Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the son of God – a critically important distinction between Muslim and Christian views of him, but they do revere him as a holy prophet. Jesus (along with Mary, Adam, Moses, and a bunch of other Bible characters) are all in the Quran. In fact, Mary is the only woman specifically named in the Quran and has an entire chapter dedicated to her.
Muslims do not necessarily need to perform prayers in a mosque, but can pray anywhere that is clean. For five times a day, they turn toward Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform their prayers at set times (sunrise, midday, afternoon, evening, and nightfall).
一個關於聖索非亞大教堂的常見問題: 當土耳其奧斯曼帝國將這座東正教教堂改建成清真寺時,為什麼他們要保留耶穌和瑪利亞的壁畫?
穆斯林信徒不一定需要在清真寺祈禱,任何干淨的地方都可以。 每天五次,信徒面向沙地阿拉伯的麥加,在規定的時間禱告 (日出,中午,下午,傍晚,和晚上)。