After the wedding weekend in the Paris suburb and the week-long self-drive tour in Normandy, my family and relatives are now heading back to Hong Kong, Australia, and the US. But my journey does not stop here: I will be backpacking solo in the Balkans for the next few weeks, visiting four Southeastern European countries – Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, and North Macedonia. These countries were all under communist governments after WWII / during the Cold War, either as part of the socialist Yugoslavia or as a Yugoslav satellite state.

在巴黎市郊的週末婚禮和諾曼第的自由行後,我的家人正各自返回香港、澳洲、和美國,但我的旅程並未完結:接下來幾週我將會獨自在巴爾幹半島背包旅行,前往四個東南歐國家:黑山、阿爾巴尼亞、科索沃、和北馬其頓。 這些國家在二戰後 / 冷戰期間都是共產黨政府,屬於南斯拉夫一部分或其衛星國家。



