Albania used to be a communist state for over 40 years, led by its communist dictator Enver Hoxha from the end of WWII until the final years of the Soviet era. A firm believer of Marxism-Leninism, Hoxha was praised for leading the country towards agriculturally self-sufficient and raising the literacy rate from 5% to 98%, while others criticized him for the use of forced labor camps to eliminate anti-communists. Albania was never part of Yugoslavia and most would agree that Albania had a less repressive form of government as compared with other Eastern European communist states. Nonetheless, one can still explore the traces of the country’s communist past in its capital Tirana.
阿爾巴尼亞從第二次世界大戰結束直到蘇聯時代末年都是共產主義國家,這四十多年一直由深信共產主義的霍克斯獨裁領導。 霍克斯堅信馬克思列寧主義,帶領阿爾巴尼亞實現農業自給自足,並將識字率從 5% 提高至 98%;但他也因為使用強迫勞動營來消除反共產主義者而備受批評。 阿爾巴尼亞從來都不是南斯拉夫的一部分,而大多數人都同意阿爾巴尼亞有著沒有東歐其他共產主義國家那麼壓制性的政權管治。儘管如此,我們仍然可以在首都地拉那探索其共產主義過去遺留下來的痕跡。
National History Museum in a communist-era building. 位於共產主義時代建築內的國家歷史博物館。 @Tirana地拉那
The Albanian national flag, a black double-headed eagle on a red background. 阿爾巴尼亞國旗是一隻黑色的雙頭鷹在紅色背景上。 @Tirana地拉那
The National Museum, while fascinating, is a bit out of date and difficult to follow. A book in the museum store would be helpful, with Albanian and English translation side by side. 國家博物館雖然引人入勝,但的確有些過時而且很難跟從。在博物館店裡的書會有點幫助,是阿爾巴尼亞語和英語並列。 @Tirana地拉那
Communist propaganda magazines. 共產主義宣傳雜誌。 @Tirana地拉那
Statues of key communist figures: Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, communist fighter, and communist worker. 共產黨人物雕像:斯大林、列寧、共產黨戰士和共產黨工人。 @Tirana地拉那
Museum of Secret Surveillance, dedicated to those who were spied on, arrested, prosecuted, convicted, and executed during the communist regime. 秘密監視博物館,給那些在共產主義時期被監視、逮捕、起訴、定罪和處決的人。 @Tirana地拉那
A fragment of the Berlin Wall, which separated capitalist West Berlin from communist East Berlin from 1961-1989, is a symbol of the isolation of the communist world. 柏林圍牆的一部分。柏林圍牆從1961年至1989年將資本主義的西柏林與共產主義的東柏林分開,是共產主義孤立的象徵。 @Tirana地拉那
The bunker that guarded Albanian communist dictator Enver Hoxha‘s residence from 1945-1991. 從1945年至1991年間守衛著阿爾巴尼亞共產主義獨裁領袖霍克斯住所的沙堡。 @Tirana地拉那
Concrete supports of a communist forced labor camp. 共產主義強迫勞動營的水泥支架。 @Tirana地拉那
Albanian communist dictator Enver Hoxha‘s former residence. 阿爾巴尼亞共產主義獨裁領袖霍克斯的前住所。 @Tirana地拉那
Pyramid of Tirana, ceased its function as a museum and was abandoned after the fall of communism in 1991. 地拉那金字塔,一座在1991年共產主義垮台後停止並被廢棄的建築物。 @Tirana地拉那
Tirana city walking tour. More than half of the participants are from Germany. 地拉那市中心步行遊,超過一半的參加者來自德國。 @Tirana地拉那
Georgia W. Bush was the first ever American president to visit Albania. A street in Tirana was named after him. 布殊是有史以來第一位訪問阿爾巴尼亞的美國總統,地拉那其中一條街道以他命名。 @Tirana地拉那
Skanderbeg, an Albanian military commander who fought against the Ottoman Empire, is a national hero and has a statue in the main square in Tirana. 斯坎德培是一位帶領阿爾巴尼亞對抗土耳其奧斯曼帝國的軍事指揮官,是阿爾巴尼亞的民族英雄,在地拉那廣場上有一尊雕像。 @Tirana地拉那
Mother Teresa, an Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun who devoted her life to serving the poor. 德蘭修女,畢生致力於為窮人服務的阿爾巴尼亞裔印度籍天主教修女。 @Tirana地拉那
Giving Balkan pastry burek and local Albanian beer a try. 試試巴爾幹糕點和阿爾巴尼亞啤酒。 @Tirana地拉那