Nepal lost its northern India territories to the British in the 1800s during the Gurkha War and permitted the British to recruit soldiers in Nepal. Since then Nepal had sent its own troops to fight alongside with the British during WWI, WWII, and many Nepalese soldiers (Gurkhas) ended up in Hong Kong, a former British colony, in the 1960s as part of the British Army until the 1997 handover. Despite achieving democracy in 2006, Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in Asia, with a GDP per capita of merely $1,000 (in comparison, GDP per capita is $65,000 in the US).

尼泊爾在十九世紀初的啹喀戰爭中輸給英國後,失去印度北部的領土,並允許英國在尼泊爾招募士兵。從那時起尼泊爾就開始派兵,在一戰和二戰期間協助英國。許多尼泊爾士兵 (啹喀兵) 在1960年代以英軍身份駐守當時仍是英國殖民地的香港,直到1997年香港回歸為止。儘管在2006年獲得民主,但尼泊爾仍是亞洲最貧窮的國家之一,人均生產總值僅為 $1,000美元 (相比之下,美國的人均生產總值為 $65,000美元)。
