International travel during Omicron has been full of unforeseeable events: After our Saudi Arabia visa fell through, we changed our plan to instead visit two other Middle Eastern countries: Oman and Bahrain.  All our flights, rental car, and accommodations were all set ready to go. Then the morning when we were scheduled to depart the US, my PCR test result came back positive, which was not expected since I had been working from home and travel had been kept to a minimal. Because of the test result I scrambled to cancel everything last minute and began my quarantine at home.
After experiencing only mild symptoms and completing my quarantine, we resumed travel and arrived in Istanbul and Cappadocia safe and sound. Although we came to Turkey during its coldest month of the year, avoiding the Christmas and New Year crowds appeared to be a smart choice and we were able to truly enjoy snowy Turkey during its low season.
在疫情期間旅行注定充滿著無法預料的事情:當我們得悉無法拿到沙特阿拉伯簽證後,我們改變計劃,轉而計劃到訪另外兩個中東國家 :阿曼和巴林。我們所有的航班、租車和住宿都已準備就緒。然而,在離開美國那天的早上,我的新冠檢測結果呈陽性。這絕對是出乎意料的,因為我一直居家工作並且最近沒有怎麼外出。在別無他法在的情況下我臨時取消一切旅行計劃,居家隔離。