

Italian salumi cold cuts, with cunza (pork fatback paste), tigella (thin breads), and house mustard pickles. As revealed on the glass water bottle, pausa means “pause” in Italian – A place intended for people to come in and take a short recess from their daily pace of life.

The Italian language is closely related to French, and to some extent also to Spanish and Portuguese as they are all derived from Latin. Spanish people typically understand Italian better than Italians understand Spanish, while Portuguese people understand Spanish better than Spanish do with Portuguese – As someone said, “Portuguese sounds like throwing Spanish, French, and Italian into a blender”. Clear as mud? It might be easier to just follow the geographic path from east to west: Italy > France > Spain > Portugal. The more west you go, the easier people in that country understand the other languages.

It is a long shot, but I think this might somewhat explain why Cantonese-speaking people understand Mandarin easier than the other way around. Maybe?

意大利冷盤,有豬背肥醬,薄麵包,和芥末泡菜。 正如玻璃水瓶上圖示,pausa 意大利語解作 “暫停”: 意即這𥚃是一個供人們從日常生活節奏中短暫休息的地方。

意大利語與法語有密切關係,在某程度上也與西班牙語和葡萄牙語相關,因為它們都來自拉丁語系。 普遍來說,西班牙人聽懂意大利語比意大利人聽懂西班牙語容易,而葡萄牙人聽懂西班牙語比西班牙人聽懂葡萄牙語容易。正如有人所說,“葡萄牙語聽起來像把西班牙語,法語,和意大利語投入攪拌機一樣”。不太明白? 遵循地理路徑從東到西可能更容易了解:意大利 > 法國 > 西班牙 > 葡萄牙。 你越往西走,那個國家的人就越容易聽懂其他幾種語言。

這未必相關,但我認為在某程度上這可能解釋了為什麼說廣東話的人聽懂普通話比說普通話的人聽懂廣東話容易。 也許?


Italian formaggi and compote.