Kosovo is Europe’s youngest country, as well as a contested territory. Populated predominantly by Albanians, the Kosovar Albanians declared independence from Serbia in 2008, a move hotly disputed by some and still not universally recognized. Half of the world including Albania, Turkey, and the US have recognized Kosovo’s sovereignty, while the other half including Serbia, Russia, and China still don’t. Ten years on, this young country is still struggling for recognition.
Sinan Pasha Mosque, with the old bridge in the front and the fortress in the back. Looks very much like Mostar in Bosnia. 95% of Kosovars are Sunni Muslims, although many are nominal Muslims, meaning they are Muslims in name but do not practice the beliefs of Islam. 錫南帕夏清真寺,前面是舊橋,後面是堡壘, 看起來十分像波斯尼亞的莫斯塔爾。 科索沃人有95%是遜尼派穆斯林,儘管許多人只是名義上是穆斯林,即他們並沒有實行伊斯蘭信仰的教法。 @Prizren普里茲倫
Sinan Pasha Mosque, with the old bridge in the front and the fortress in the back. Looks very much like Mostar in Bosnia. 95% of Kosovars are Sunni Muslims, although many are nominal Muslims, meaning they are Muslims in name but do not practice the beliefs of Islam. 錫南帕夏清真寺,前面是舊橋,後面是堡壘, 看起來十分像波斯尼亞的莫斯塔爾。 科索沃人有95%是遜尼派穆斯林,儘管許多人只是名義上是穆斯林,即他們並沒有實行伊斯蘭信仰的教法。 @Prizren普里茲倫
Burek and yogurt. 巴爾幹糕點和乳酪。 @Prizren普里茲倫
Kosovo used to be part of the Ottoman Empire and one can still see traces of Turkish influences. Morning scene with locals drinking Turkish tea (cay) at a cafe is the norm. Kosovars like to drink tea with sugar and lemon, but milk is a no no. 科索沃曾經是奧斯曼帝國的一部分,所以仍然可以看到土耳其留下的痕跡,當地人早上在咖啡館喝土耳其茶是常態。科索沃人喝茶時喜歡加糖和檸檬,但不會加牛奶。 @Prizren普里茲倫
National flag of Kosovo after its unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008. It shows six white stars in an arc above a golden map of Kosovo on a blue background. The stars symbolize Kosovo’s six major ethnic groups. 科索沃於2008年單方面宣布從塞爾維亞獨立後開始採用的國旗。國旗上有科索沃金色地圖、藍色背景、和六粒白星,象徵著科索沃的六個主要民族。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Statue of the former US president Bill Clinton, erected in honor of Clinton for his help during the Kosovo War in 1999. The war was fought between Yugoslavia (Serbia), which controlled Kosovo before the war, and the Kosovo Albanian rebel group known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), with air support from the NATO. 美國前總統克林頓雕像,紀念克林頓在1999年科索沃戰爭中的幫助。科索沃戰爭是由戰前控制科索沃的南斯拉夫 (塞爾維亞) 對戰有北約空援的科索沃阿爾巴尼亞叛軍 (即科索沃解放軍)。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Newborn Monument, to commemorate Kosovo’s independence from Serbia in 2008. 新生紀念碑是為紀念科索沃在2008年從塞爾維亞獨立而建。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Two-hour walking tour led by a local Kosovar. The rest of the group are all Europeans, except one girl from New Zealand. 由當地科索沃人帶領的兩小時步行遊,組內其他全是歐洲人,除了一個來自新西蘭的女孩外。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Kosovo announced its independence from Serbia in 2008. Since then about half the world including Albania, Turkey, and the US have recognized it. But the other half of the world including Serbia, Russia, and China still don’t. Ten years on, this young country is still struggling for recognition. 科索沃於2008年宣布脫離塞爾維亞獨立,此後包括阿爾巴尼亞、土耳其、和美國等世界大約一半的國家承認其獨立,但另一半的國家包括塞爾維亞、俄羅斯、和中國並沒承認。十年過去,科索沃這年輕國家仍在爭取認可。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Baklava and grape juice at a local cafe. 在當地咖啡館的果仁蜜餅和葡萄汁。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Christ the Savior Serbian Orthodox Cathedral. Construction began in 1992 and was due to be completed in 1999. Kosovo War happened that same year and interrupted the completion. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2006 and this Serbian Orthodox Church remains in unfinished state to this day. 基督救世主塞爾維亞東正教大教堂,工程1992年開始,預計1999年完成,同年發生科索沃戰爭,中斷了工程的完成。科索沃隨後於2006年宣布脫離塞爾維亞獨立,所以這所塞爾維亞東正教教堂至今仍處於未完成狀態。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa. 德蘭修女大教堂。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa. 德蘭修女大教堂。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa. 德蘭修女大教堂。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Mother Teresa, an Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun who devoted her life to serving the poor. 德蘭修女,畢生致力於為窮人服務的阿爾巴尼亞裔印度籍天主教修女。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
NATO Monument, in a somewhat disrepair state. Formed as a result of WWII, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an international military alliance between 29 North American and European countries. NATO works as a collective defense system, in which member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. The monument in Prizren is dedicated to NATO’s liberation of and peacekeeping in Kosovo. 處於失修狀態的北約紀念碑。北約是二戰產物,由29個北美和歐洲國家組成的國際軍事聯盟,它是一個集體防禦系統,成員國同意對任何外來襲擊作出相互防禦。位於普里茲倫的北約紀念碑紀念北約解放科索沃和在科索沃維持和平。 @Prizren普里茲倫
National Library of Kosovo, signifies its past of being ruled by the West (Byzantine) and the East (Ottoman) with a combination of Roman cubes and Turkish domes of different sizes. 科索沃國家圖書館,象徵著其被西方 (拜占庭) 和東方 (奧斯曼) 統治的過去,由不同大小的羅馬立方體和土耳其圓頂組成。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Pristina skyline. 普里什蒂納市景。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Kosovo is populated predominantly by Albanians. Skanderbeg, an Albanian military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in what is today Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia, is treated as a national hero and has a statue in the historical center of its capital. 科索沃主要由阿爾巴尼亞人居住,所以阿爾巴尼亞民族英雄斯坎德培在科索沃首都也有一座雕像。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Ibrahim Rugova, the first president of the partially-recognized Kosovo. 魯戈瓦,被部分認可的科索沃第一任總統。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Not exactly sure what this mural means. 不太確定這幅壁畫的含義。 @Pristina普里什蒂納
Taking a break from Balkan cuisine, while continuing to experience Balkan beer. Beer Peja is from the mountainous city of Peja in West Kosovo. 暫不品嚐巴爾幹美食,但繼續體驗不同的巴爾干啤酒。 Beer Peja 來自西科索沃的山區城市比雅。 @Pristina普里什蒂納