Macedonia is famous for its rule by Alexander the Great, king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. Located at the center of the Balkans, the region was later ruled by the Romans, the Byzantines, the Crusaders, the Ottomans through the Balkan Wars, and later became part of Yugoslavia through WWI and WWII. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Macedonia gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. But the use of the name “Macedonia” had since been objected by Greece, as Macedonia is also the name of the region in northern Greece. In 2019, Macedonia officially changed its name to “North Macedonia”.

馬其頓是因其統治者古希臘馬其頓亞歷山大大帝而聞名,該地區位於巴爾幹半島的中心,後來相繼被羅馬人、拜占庭人、十字軍、奧斯曼人統治,經歷了兩次巴爾幹戰爭,並在一戰和二戰後成為南斯拉夫的一部分。蘇聯解體後,馬其頓於1991年從南斯拉夫獨立,但是 “馬其頓” 這個名字一直被希臘反對,因為馬其頓也是希臘北部地區的名字,馬其頓於2019年正式改名為 “北馬其頓”。
