Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India used to be part of British India. After WWII, Britain could no longer afford its empire and the 1947 Partition Plan divided British India into India (Hindu-majority) and Pakistan (Muslim-majority), with West Pakistan and East Pakistan 800 miles apart and India in between. Unable to negotiate with India for a land route, East Pakistan fought for sovereignty and became independent as Bangladesh in 1971.
孟加拉、巴基斯坦、和印度曾經是英屬印度的一部分。二戰後英國再也無法負擔其大英帝國,從而在1947年的劃分計劃中將英屬印度劃分為印度 (印度教) 和巴基斯坦 (伊斯蘭教),巴基斯坦又分成西巴和東巴,彼此相距八百英里,印度夾在中間。由於無法與印度就東巴和西巴之間興建陸路達成協議,東巴爭取獨立,於1971年成為孟加拉。
Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India used to be part of British India. After WWII, Britain could no longer afford its empire and the 1947 Partition Plan divided British India into India (Hindu-majority) and Pakistan (Muslim-majority), with West Pakistan and East Pakistan 800 miles apart and India in between. Unable to negotiate with India for a land route, East Pakistan fought for sovereignty and became independent as Bangladesh in 1971.
孟加拉、巴基斯坦、和印度曾經是英屬印度的一部分。二戰後英國再也無法負擔其大英帝國,從而在1947年的劃分計劃中將英屬印度劃分為印度 (印度教) 和巴基斯坦 (伊斯蘭教),巴基斯坦又分成西巴和東巴,彼此相距八百英里,印度夾在中間。由於無法與印度就東巴和西巴之間興建陸路達成協議,東巴爭取獨立,於1971年成為孟加拉。
There are not many tourists in Bangladesh so locals always give me that curious (but friendly) look. I have been approached for selfies throughout the day and I do the same.
孟加拉遊客不多,當地人總是好奇 (但友善) 地看著我,數次被禮貌地要求自拍,我也請他們來自拍一趟。
Bangladeshi fast food.
Dhaka is one of the most congested cities I have ever experienced. Not too much of a tourist destination, the streets are always filled with chaos and the hustle and bustle makes going to sleep at night a difficult task. The first ever Dhaka Metro is under construction and will be operational in 2021.
Dhaka is one of the most congested cities I have ever experienced. Not too much of a tourist destination, the streets are always filled with chaos and the hustle and bustle makes going to sleep at night a difficult task. The first ever Dhaka Metro is under construction and will be operational in 2021.
Dhaka is one of the most congested cities I have ever experienced. Not too much of a tourist destination, the streets are always filled with chaos and the hustle and bustle makes going to sleep at night a difficult task. The first ever Dhaka Metro is under construction and will be operational in 2021.
Liberation War Museum.
Sheikh Mujibur “Mujib” Rahman, founding father of independent Bangladesh after breaking away from West Pakistan in 1971. Mujib served as the first President of Bangladesh and later Prime Minister of Bangladesh until his assassination in 1975.
Sheikh Mujibur “Mujib” Rahman, founding father of independent Bangladesh after breaking away from West Pakistan in 1971. Mujib served as the first President of Bangladesh and later Prime Minister of Bangladesh until his assassination in 1975.
Sheikh Mujibur “Mujib” Rahman, founding father of independent Bangladesh after breaking away from West Pakistan in 1971. Mujib served as the first President of Bangladesh and later Prime Minister of Bangladesh until his assassination in 1975.
Immediately after the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the question as to what would be the official language of Pakistan was raised: West Pakistan believed that Urdo should be the state language, while East Pakistan believed that Bengali should be the state language. With power concentrated in the West, Urdo was declared as the official state language and protests erupted throughout East Pakistan. Through a 4-year struggle and bloodshed, Bengali was finally adopted as an official language of Pakistan along with Urdo. The language movement has laid the foundations for Bengali nationalism and the emergence of sovereign Bangladesh.
Immediately after the creation of Pakistan in 1947, the question as to what would be the official language of Pakistan was raised: West Pakistan believed that Urdo should be the state language, while East Pakistan believed that Bengali should be the state language. With power concentrated in the West, Urdo was declared as the official state language and protests erupted throughout East Pakistan. Through a 4-year struggle and bloodshed, Bengali was finally adopted as an official language of Pakistan along with Urdo. The language movement has laid the foundations for Bengali nationalism and the emergence of sovereign Bangladesh.
During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, West Pakistan fought with East Pakistan. Massive human suffering was resulted on both sides and East Pakistani had to leave their home to seek refuge in India. The refugee crisis became a major political and humanitarian issue. West Pakistan’s allies United States, China, and Arab countries opposed the liberation struggle of East Pakistan.
During the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, West Pakistan fought with East Pakistan. Massive human suffering was resulted on both sides and East Pakistani had to leave their home to seek refuge in India. The refugee crisis became a major political and humanitarian issue. West Pakistan’s allies United States, China, and Arab countries opposed the liberation struggle of East Pakistan.
Reading materials.
Uber makes my life so much easier when I try to go places and navigate through the extremely congested roads in Dhaka. There is only one catch: People in Bangladesh use Bengali numeral. In order to get into the right car, I need to convert Arabic numeral shown on the app to Bengali numeral printed on the license plates. In a country where a 4 looks like an 8, a 7 looks like a 9, and the rest looks like kids’ scribbles, this is not always an easy task.
Uber 使我在達卡極其擁擠的道路上嘗試找路時容易一點,但它有一個缺陷:孟加拉人是使用孟加拉數字的。為了找對我叫的車輛,我需要將應用程式上顯示的阿拉伯數字轉換成車牌上的孟加拉數字。當一個國家的 4 看起來像 8,7 看起來像 9,其餘的數字看起來像小孩子塗鴉,要弄清這些數字有時候並不容易。
Dhaka river port, where thousands of Bangladeshi go from one side of the river to the other throughout the day. It has existed since the Mughal Empire in the 17th century and a Mughal fort (Lalbagh Fort) was built by the port.
Dhaka river port, where thousands of Bangladeshi go from one side of the river to the other throughout the day. It has existed since the Mughal Empire in the 17th century and a Mughal fort (Lalbagh Fort) was built by the port.
Dhaka river port, where thousands of Bangladeshi go from one side of the river to the other throughout the day. It has existed since the Mughal Empire in the 17th century and a Mughal fort (Lalbagh Fort) was built by the port.
Dhaka river port, where thousands of Bangladeshi go from one side of the river to the other throughout the day. It has existed since the Mughal Empire in the 17th century and a Mughal fort (Lalbagh Fort) was built by the port.
Dhaka river port, where thousands of Bangladeshi go from one side of the river to the other throughout the day. It has existed since the Mughal Empire in the 17th century and a Mughal fort (Lalbagh Fort) was built by the port.
Dhaka river port, where thousands of Bangladeshi go from one side of the river to the other throughout the day. It has existed since the Mughal Empire in the 17th century and a Mughal fort (Lalbagh Fort) was built by the port.
Lalbagh Fort is an incomplete 17th century Mughal fort. It became abandoned after the end of the royal Mughal period.
Lalbagh Fort is an incomplete 17th century Mughal fort. It became abandoned after the end of the royal Mughal period.
Lalbagh Fort is an incomplete 17th century Mughal fort. It became abandoned after the end of the royal Mughal period.
I guess it is okay to walk on the tracks as long as you don’t get hit by a train!
I guess it is okay to walk on the tracks as long as you don’t get hit by a train!
I guess it is okay to walk on the tracks as long as you don’t get hit by a train!
Star Mosque, where Bangladeshi Muslims come pray five times a day. 90% of Bangladeshi are Muslim.